reflective letter


Dear Professor Wood,

This semester has not been easy due to the pandemic and other personal issues, but this class was one I looked forward to. I aspire to be a writer in the future and the writing styles I learned are ones I hope to use in the future. All styles that I learned were unique and something I dont see often in papers. Writing an ethnographic paper, a song, movie and data analysis, web genre paper and imaginary resumes have definitely allowed me to grow more as a writer.

For all these topics I know the general idea but I want to learn how to make these papers stronger. For example, for song analysis If I was a music journalist what criterias would I need to meet in order for that paper to be amazing? If I was writing a book and I was putting in imaginary resumes for a character as a visual for readers, what would make that resume believable and relatable? 

Although I have many questions, don’t be fooled I am not completely confused on the topics we learned. One of my many achievements this semester in english 201 was my end of unit work where I wrote the same sub-genre but from a different political perspective.  My topic was Divergent and I had to give a completely different view from the one given in the movie and books. This is one of my biggest achievements this semester because for this assignment I put a lot of detail and thought into it. I was also very interested in the topic I was writing about which is why my paper was strong. Another one of my achievements in this class was my web genre paper. This paper allowed me to be creative and talk about a topic I know much about ( advertisement on instagram). This was one of my strongest papers because it had many valid details and hit the topics I was trying to achieve. 

On the contrary, something I struggled with this semester in english 201 was writing an analysis for a tik-tok. Although it sounds easy, it was somewhat hard for me because it was something very unfamiliar for me to do. I’m used to seeing tik-tok videos and analyzing them in my head but never writing my thoughts on how I perceived the video. What was most difficult was explaining the meaning and writing how this fifteen second video has a really deep meaning. Because I struggled with this assignment I feel like I want to sharpen my analysis skills and write more about unusual topics. 

I had ups and downs in this class but I only hope for more “ ups “ next semester. I believe I can definitely go more in depth when writing analysis and include more details.  Overall this class was actually very interesting and refreshing in comparison to other classes. 

Sincerely, Leslie Fernandez